Gail Molland Bio

Dr Gail Molland, B Med Sci (Tas), MB BS (Tas), FRCSI, FRCS(Glasg), FRACS

DR GAIL MOLLANDGeneral and Breast Surgeon Dr Gail Molland is a general surgeon specialising in management of breast disease, both benign and malignant.

She is affiliated with The Strathfield Breast Centre and attends the regular multidisciplinary meetings at TSBC. She works with multidisciplinary teams (including radiologists, pathologists, radiotherapists, medical oncologists, plastic surgeons, breast care nurses, psychologists and allied health therapists) to care for patients with breast cancer. She works in conjunction with plastic surgeons to offer reconstruction with breast cancer surgery where appropriate.

She has accreditation as a VMO at Concord Hospital, Westmead Private Hospital and Strathfield Private Hospital. She also attends assessment clinics at Breastscreen Greater Western Sydney.

Dr Molland is a member of the Breast Surg ANZ group and through this group contributes data to the National Breast Audit. She is also a member of the Australasian Society for Breast Disease and General Surgeons Australia.

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